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Step-By-Step Guide for Updating Existing Packaging to Eco-Friendly Alternatives

Step-By-Step Guide for Updating Existing Packaging to Eco-Friendly Alternatives

13th Jun 2023

It’s no secret that plastic is out and all businesses need to start looking for eco-friendly packaging alternatives. According to WRAP, plastic production, use and disposal contributes about 1.8 billion tonnes of carbon emissions annually.

Helping the environment should be a goal for all ecommerce businesses, but there are also financial benefits to making the swap to more sustainable packaging.

More customers than ever before are now using sustainability as a factor for choosing who to purchase with, and your packaging is a huge physical representation of your brand’s values. This is why it’s the perfect opportunity to opt for eco-friendly packaging and prove to your customers that you are the business worthy of their investment - so, where do you start?

eco-friendly packaging business

Eco-Friendly Working Practices

Sustainability goes beyond what you store your items in. If you are really looking to become more environmentally friendly, you need to start at home. This can look like many things, like introducing a work-from-home scheme for your employers to avoid the environmental damage done by commuting. This won’t be possible for all employees but could work for your packaging designers or marketing teams.

Another way you can be more eco-friendly is by cutting down on the number of packaging prototypes you produce. Instead, you could opt for virtual reality testing, allowing your team to experience and experiment with different packaging shapes and designs without wasting materials.

In a way, you need to think beyond the box. In what way could you minimise your carbon footprint? Choosing a local packaging supplier over an international one would make a huge difference given how much environmental damage is done with shipping via air. There are many depths to this topic that require more than just swapping plastic for cardboard - though that is a huge factor.

Packaging Design

When thinking about the design for your packaging, it’s important to include the right messaging. If you have opted for something recyclable, be sure to communicate this with your customers. Provide accurate information for disposing of the packaging in the most environmentally friendly way. This also shows your customers that your business values sustainability and can play a big part in customer satisfaction and retention.

sustainable packaging design

Choosing Eco-Friendly Packaging

This is a no-brainer. Updating your existing packaging to a more sustainable option often means choosing recyclable packaging made of cardboard. It’s durable, protective, cheap to produce and easy to recycle.

Here at ASC Direct, we want to push it further. Not only are all our boxes 100% recyclable, but we also offer businesses a bespoke box builder service. This means businesses can minimise waste by choosing a box size to specifically host their products. This reduces shipping costs while also meaning customers aren’t having to deal with bulky and unnecessary packaging, so it’s a win-win.

With that in mind, the smaller the box-to-product ratio, the less likely you are to use extra padding which results in more waste. However, if you do need some extra support and protection, be sure to choose an item like biodegradable void fill which is environmentally friendly and 100% biodegradable.

eco-friendly distribution

Sustainable Distribution

You’ve secured your product in your recyclable cardboard box - now what?

It’s time to ship it off to its new home, but that doesn’t mean you stop thinking about the environment. How you ship your items can make a big difference to your carbon footprint. This is why you must do your research and choose a sustainable delivery provider.

When choosing a shipping partner, you should consider the following:

  • What fuel are they using? - There are plenty of options with some less damaging than others.
  • How many items are being sent each day? - Aggregating shipments is better for the environment.
  • How long will the items be in transit? - The longer they spend moving, the more carbon emissions created.
  • What vehicles are being used? - Electric vehicles are more eco-friendly.
  • Do they offer overnight air shipping? - This is extremely damaging to the environment.

There are so many factors to consider when changing out your existing packaging for eco-friendly alternatives. It’s more than swapping plastic for cardboard. You have to think about the entire lifecycle of that packaging and what you can do to make the whole process more environmentally friendly. Reducing your carbon footprint will give your business a natural boost, but no boost is greater than ensuring we all have a future here. 

About the author

James Palfrey-Smith is the Commercial Manager at ASC Direct with extensive experience in both operations and sales. James is passionate about solving packaging problems, delivering fast customer support, and building lasting relationships. Outside of work, he enjoys outdoor activities like hiking and skiing. A fan of real ale and business podcasts, he continuously seeks personal and professional growth. 

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